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Multi RBD to Wire Constraints with Apply Relationship


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yeah i've came across that post too.. but i think i'm trying to achieve something different than that.

(hope i'm not missing out any points..)

I am able to constrain an object to a wire with an sbdpinconstraint DOP no problem, and they would interact nicely. But now i want to constraint about 40 objects to 40 lines that happen to be 1 wireobject, and i think the apply relationship DOP would do the job. Unfortunately i just can't quite pull off that trick, needed more tips to wrap my head around it.

Edited by BOON
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You definitely need to do something like feedback force cause houdini doesn't.

As for apply relationship dop:

1) create number of rels == number of rbd spheres (dopobjscreatedby() func). Now you're creating pairs of objects but you don't have them - only one! wire object and bunch of rbds.

2) set only one variable in applyrel dop == $REL - this way you can stamp it in sbdconstraint node to define what sphere and what point on the wire object to constrain. So in sbd constraint:

Constraint object will be your wire,

Constrained point - arg(pointlist(path_to_wire_obj_SOP, point_group_to_constrain), stamp(...$REL... here...)

Goal Object - arg(dopobjscreatedby(your_spheres_object), stamp(...$REL... here...))

Goal Points - the same as Constrained.

Activation - always 1.

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Thank you so much bloomendale for helping me out with the applyrel dop, now I have a clearer idea of how it works. And yes you are right, it looks like i need to do a feedback force to make them interact with each other. Strange enough, because it looked like they were interacting when I was trying to constraint just 1 object.

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  • 6 years later...
On 30/11/2012 at 7:29 PM, bloomendale said:

You definitely need to do something like feedback force cause houdini doesn't.

As for apply relationship dop:

1) create number of rels == number of rbd spheres (dopobjscreatedby() func). Now you're creating pairs of objects but you don't have them - only one! wire object and bunch of rbds.

2) set only one variable in applyrel dop == $REL - this way you can stamp it in sbdconstraint node to define what sphere and what point on the wire object to constrain. So in sbd constraint:

Constraint object will be your wire,

Constrained point - arg(pointlist(path_to_wire_obj_SOP, point_group_to_constrain), stamp(...$REL... here...)

Goal Object - arg(dopobjscreatedby(your_spheres_object), stamp(...$REL... here...))

Goal Points - the same as Constrained.

Activation - always 1.

Is it possible to provide a hip file with this?

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