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What is the Point Cloud in Houdini?

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Hello, there.

This is Jamie here.

I would like to ask you that what is correctly the point cloud in Houdini?

And then how to use that widely?

I found a few hip files on OdForce and Google.

But I can not fully understand about the point cloud.

As far as I know that The point cloud is 3d scaned data with xyz format.^_^;

Very confusing...

Please kindly help me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks a lot.



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Well do you know what photon maps are? Houdini's point clouds have a lot in common. They are like particles that can store what ever data you want. They could act as a source of simulation forces, sources of light(photon map) or some wild shader data. For example, you access the point data by telling the point cloud your current shading position in a shader and the point cloud returns you attribute values of the points near the given position which you can then use as a part of shading process. There are many examples available.

Edited by Hazoc
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Hi, Hazoc.

Thanks a lot for your favor.

I need to know more.

Houdini's point clouds similar to Renderman with point cloud "ptc format" ? Right ?

And It has a list of attribute like point SOP? Such as an XYZ position, color, alpha, uv, normal...

First off I am testing a SSS Scatter SOP to understanding the point clouds.

Have a great day.

I would like to talk again in order to get more information.

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A point cloud can behave like any other format in houdini except it only stores points and point data. It's data structure makes it faster to do computations with and takes up less space.




These are the bread and butter vex pointcloud functions

Edited by ikarus
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Dear Ikarus,

Thank you so much for your help.


Dear Anim,

Thanks a lot for your link.

Today I had a great fun watching the movie 'Rise of the Guardians'.


I guess that there are so much using particle like point clouds.

I am testing more and more still getting used.

Have a great day.

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  On 12/13/2012 at 8:19 AM, jungjaehwa said:

I can not find that how to make point clouds.

A SSS Scatter SOP is not work to make a pc file on Render hit the button.

My Houdini version is the Houdini FX Version 12.1.33 Non-Commercial Edition.

Please help me~

try op:`opfullpath("<NODE_PATH_HERE>")` in the "Point Cloud Texture" parm

or, you can cache out a file with ".pc" extension and read it back at the same parameter

Edited by BOON
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