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Is there a command line/ shell mode

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Maybe this is one of those "stupid questions" so please be patient....

Is there a way I can start Houdini in command line/ shell mode so it can simulate stuff without having to load the GUI before?


In Realflow (some of you might know that software), I can set up a scene using the GUI, test if the simulation works fine...and then have the simulation done via a command line/ shell comand so the software doesn't need to load the GUI and consume extra memory. I have a stand alone (Educational License) of Houdini and don't just need it to simulate some fluids/ liquids. What do I need to do in order to work that way in Houdini?

Thank you in advance for any hints!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

I'm trying to do a similar thing right now. You should be able to create a "Dynamics Output Driver" much like a mantra output node, and render that using hrender as suggested above. You have to specify the dopnet in the settings and it will look for the display/render flag in the dopnet (so I suggest sticking a null at the end of the chain for tidiness reasons ;))

However, my version of apprentice HD doesnt seem to have the dynamics output node and I'm looking into why. But I did use this feature yesterday on my Uni's education edition and it works wonders

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Apprentice licenses don't support additional output drivers, which is what the Dynamics ROP basically is: it writes .sim files. Since there is no non-commercial version of .sim there's nothing to stop someone from running a simulation in Apprentice and then importing it into a commercial version and continuing on.

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Thanks for clearing that up for me Graham, much appreciated.

I had considered that as the reason. But couldn't really get my head around it as I could run the sim from within the gui and export it from there via a "File" or "Rop_Dop" . Not having the Dynamics ROP wouldn't stop anyone taking that approach? All I want to do is run some sims from terminal.

Ah well, thanks for the reply :)

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