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flip fluid fill issue

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Hey guys, I'm trying to do a simple fill. I have nothing fancy, just a very simple scene of a box(emitter) emitting fluid inside another box (container). All geometry is closed and very simple. The container fills up and the fluids collides like I would expect, but as soon as the fluid reaches a fill line that is level to the emitter (in Y axis) the fill line stays the same. I was expecting the liquid would keep emitting and fill up the entire container until there is no more space left inside.. but it just emits up to the same level as the source, and will not rise any higher.

I tried setting up the simulation and sources using my own setup I'm used to in dops, and then tried it using just the shelf tools for safe measure but the problem is still the same. Has anyone ever experienced this before?

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if you're using the source volume dop by default the flip source mode does a min(surface, source) operation to fill the space with your fluid source. so if you're container is full where your source is, that operation just returns the surface value. At that point you probably want to look into adding divergence to expand your fluid, else you wont be generating the pressure needed to continue filling the container.

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