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get inspired


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Ok folks. Let's get inspired. Here is the link from cgtalk.


Appearantly, Aki Ross and a host of other characters weren't modeled by Rene Morel. Although I was wondering why he left some area to have triangles and allow messier topology set up on the body. But nonetheless, Francisco's work is an excellent work to study.

If anyone have anything to say about his work, please do so. :) I've love to hear from everyone's opinion. After all, isn't that how we learn as well? :D

Cheers, everyone.


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Wow.... I'm inspired.

This one's my favorite:


I really wonder how they did the paint job for that one. I'd know how to do it in the real world, but how the heck do you do that in 3d?

Almost inspires me more to go sculpt with real clay, rather than polys. :)



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Well, that's the thing, it looks ilke they might have used a 3d paint program for it, but for all I know, it was a shader, or some smart texturemapping.

'd you guys ever use Painter? I haven't used it in about a year or more, but it had really awesome 'wet' brushes, that would bleed into each other... I'd love a 3d paint program (eek, houdini) hat could do this... Maybe there's already one out there... I don't really know.

But anyhoo, I haven't touched wet clay in jut over a year either :(

sigh... back to work.



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But anyhoo, I haven't touched wet clay in jut over a year either  

Ouch... I feel our pain... :( Any chance that you can spend even just 1 day/week just to play with clay?

Sigh... speaking of that, I need to draw more...

As for the texture mapping technique, can't you just use the UV mapping? But of course, dealing with seam is going to be a nightmare... also... did I mention UV Unwrap? It's like remodeling the entire character all over again... <_<

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Hey, Rarefunk

yeah that's a cool link for modeling interests, now here is a link very similar to what you gave http://cube.phlatt.net/home/spiraloid/

it's the main page for Bay Raitt who i find a very impressive modeler and very inspirational, i know he worked on the Cave Troll in LOTR.

If you can download the movie on this site and checkout Bay having fun one afternoon in 1999 i think you'll be inspired. I love the total package, it blew my mind the way it was put together. I mean it's pretty simple but that's how i like it. Great modeling and a HUGE inspiration. I would love to hear from others who have seen this.


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