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link/constrain curve to nulls

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Hey Guys, I did some searching on this, and I'm still kinda unclear on the best way to do this. In Maya, it's quite simple, create a cluster and constrain the cluster to a null. I imagine it's somewhat similar in Houdini, but I'm lost. any help would be awesome. Thanks!

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You can add point sop to curve object and use something like

ch("/obj/null" + "`$PT+1`" + "/tx")

ch("/obj/null" + "`$PT+1`" + "/ty")

ch("/obj/null" + "`$PT+1`" + "/tz")

in position parameter.

This will "link" every point of the curve with corresponding null object position (point with $PT==0 with null1 object and so on).

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Hi, This make sense looking at it, But I guess I'm unable to get it working in H. Do I need a point sop for each point on the curve? In my scene below, I've basically just added the expression you typed into a point sop's position XYZ, with replacing the null name of course, but it doesn't seem to work for me :(

Please let me know what I'm doing wrong, I love "ah haa" moments


Edited by substep
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