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Why does Houdini start at frame 1 instead of 0?

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I agree with anim, for some reason $T(0) to be $F(0) makes more sense. Not sure if this is due to 0-index thinking or consistency. I don't know if Maya, XSI defaults to frame 0 as the start but Max uses frame 0 as the first frame, and Max is known as the most artist friendly (often dumbed down) 3d application. Not saying they are better, there is definitely a reason that they went with 0 despite being seemingly counter-interactive.

Also if you change the default frame in Max, I think you might run into issues with other tools having hard coded frame 0 as the start frame.

Edited by magneto
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so I'm not quite sure why Houdini pivots it's time at $F==1 (so $F(0) is always negative $T)

maybe a little option to set that would be great

A purist might insist that their first frame start at 0s. Alas, the reason why is probably lost to history. :) I'm not sure have an option would be a good idea. There's lots of hardcoded places assume that 1f is 0s (including hscript expressions!) so I'd be very wary of changing it in Houdini.

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It shows up when using a File to load up a sequence.

Here is the pic :)


Range 0-47. If your timeline is set to show 1..N, then you won't see frame 0. I thought I was missing a frame, but then realized why.

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Edward you are a genius. I didn't know that :) Deleting the first image on disk, it really does start from 1. Or if you had files starting from 6, then it does start from 6.

Out of curiosity, is there a way to reorder these frames from scratch? I know there are Shift, Trim COP, etc but they require you to know the number, and only move everything at once or one by one. I am basically looking for something that will take frames:

6 7 10 13 17


1 2 3 4 5

Since those frame "shufflers" do not cache anything, it wouldn't matter in terms of resources.

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