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waving mechanical strands

jim c

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I'm trying to build some strands that will be able to move around a bit, either by some random noise expression, or via dynamics. So I created a little network (attached) that does this through the use of wirecapture/wire deformer SOPs. I use a scatter SOP to create some initial pts with custom attrs on them, and then drive a copy sop with these point. The copy SOP has a tube network that creates a tube (based on a line's length) and then adds a wire capture and wire deform SOP to it. The problem is that when you get beyond 40 or so points it gets pretty slow. Is this a dumb way to do this? Is there an alternate approach that's faster?


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Hi Jim!

I didn't looked into your file but some time ago I did some "tentacles" that were supposed to move on their own... I ended up not using them, but that's a different story!

What I did was simply a set of bones from curve and used CHOPS with a noise expression to move them... You can control how much they move, strength and so on...

If you want let me know and I'll post the file.


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as far as I know, copy sop is not multi-threaded, so, use it with some caution.

So, the idea is to cook the copy sop just in the first frame, so the animation must happen after the copy sop.

I changed some things in your file, but u will still need to randomize the lengths of the tubes...


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I had a look at these last night - thanks for post these gui and cpb, there some really great stuff in there. The stuff with lattices is amazing, I didn't even know you could do that! Still looking into how to incorporate these, but it should help a lot!

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