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Help req in controlling Pyro flames

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its a dragon breathing fire effect i am working on, as dragon is moving his neck and breathing fire, my source which is attached by rivet is also moving and creates a trail of fire which i dont want , is there any trick to avoid that..

i keyed buoyancy according to its motion, also high res and substeps are not working in my case


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Hi Ali!

How are you creating the simulation? Depending on that you can avoid your problem with different approaches.

For this kind of effect I would probably emit particles from the dragons mouth and apply the pyro attributes to make them burn. Doing so the path shouldn't appear hence your source "particles" are always moving from the dragon. I hope I am not wrong.

Because if you have a static source following the dragons mouth the source will be a source of combustion and therefore you have that "trail" of yours.

hope it helps

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Hi hudson

i am doing it with the same procedure you have mentioned, emitting particles turned into fluid surface which became volume source for pyro later.

As my source is throwing particles continuously so its kind a solid trail of particles in the beginning which creates this trail of flame after burning..

so i just dont want this fuel trail while my animated object is moving i.e my dragon.

I cannot stop emitting fuel while dragon is breathing and i dont want this trail of fuel too :s , is there any way that this fuel remain stick to the source volume or dissipate quickly ?

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in that case you could manipulate the attribute for your particles. instead of having the same fuel amont you could simply adjust those so that at the beginning the particles wont burn that much and after a part of a second you could additive add the fuel attribute for your particles so that they meet the normal value when they are a bit away from the mouth. You could simply right an expression based on the particles lifetime wich affect their fuel attribution.

Because when looking at your sim it looks like it burns a lot at the beginning and the fire slowly fades away. I don't know what is realistic since I have never seen a dragons breath before. Lucky me maybe...

Well, give it a try

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I think you just need to tell the fuel to fully advect with the sim. The default setting (off I think?) is set so that the fuel stays put, and burns off based on your parameters. For something like this you'll likely want to have Pyro/Combustion/Fuel/Advect fuel checked and set to 1.

Edit: You'll probably also only want the particles to live for a few frames -- emit fuel / temp / density and tons of v, let it shoot out and go from there.

Edited by Solitude
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