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How to control the colors of a Font COP using point colors?

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I use a simple Font COP that outputs digits from 0 to 9. I use these as textures for my grid objects copied onto a set of points with point colors.

How can I change the color of the fonts based on the point that's being used as the template for the grid geometry to be copied on?

I just don't know how I can retrieve this kind of info in COPs so each font would have the same color as the point it's copied on.

Thanks :)

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Thanks anim, I could. But is this not what the mantra surface shader does by default by point color tinting? Also I want to try if I could use the inverted point color for each letter while having the background of the grid the same color as the point color later on.

So passing info to COPs is not possible that I should manage these in the shader?

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I would say just make font textures white with alpha

then background texture and in shader multiply font texture with Cd attribute (or inverted Cd or however you want that) and composite over the unchanged bg texture

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there is one way how you may be able to do it in COPs

simply take the value you need from template points(color, ptnum, anything) based on frame in COPs and use it to alter the COPs for that frame so each frame will correspond to one point then just reference different frame for each copied grid and that should be it (in theory, I haven't tried it yet)

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