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Reflection maps


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I cant believe how easy reflection maps are, after reading the wiki. create a light and make the reflection map from an hdri file, no texturing required!

The problem though, is that maps are assigned to whole objects, not shaders. I have an object that needs different levels of reflectivity. But im not sure i want to radically change the specularity of the shaders - they seem about right now. Shoud I make it 2 objects and use a different light for the less reflective one?

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Hey Mark,

Depending on the shader you're using for the object, you can use Specular maps to help achieve what you want.

Alternatively, you can use a Paint SOP to paint the Object's specular, so to speak, then rename the Cd attribute to the name of the specular attribute, for example, spec or Ks.

Try it out, I think you'll like it. :D



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hi steve thanks for that. so it is best to control the reflection through the specular of the shaders, makes sense, the more specular an object the more reflective it should be. Cs, Kd - scary terms sounds like code to me ;) i'll play around, hopefully learn from it and post some results if they are good.. cheers!

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