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Who wanna new forum and site for Houdini???

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Hello everyone :)

We got serious question but first We'll little introduce ourselves.

Our team - {Evermotion} - created portal about 3D CG www.evermotion.org few days ago. This is a new version of portal, we added a whole bunch of new stuff and a lot of new stuff will come :)

Our motton is: Creation4ever, therefore we wanna focus on education and solving problems. We actually have 8600 registered users on forum and we got 10.000 (ten thousands) visits per day. This is not bad considering that we have been on the net for few months :)

Actually we got users from many different countries and users of different 3D apps. We got: 3DMax users, Maya users, Lightwave users and XSI users. But we as Team are little fascinated the Houdini and what this stuff can do and how it's different in beautiful way :)

Therefore we wanna ask You all Houdini users: Do You wanna Houdini section on www.evermotion.org ? I know that Houdini community is not big as others but we can make something big. We can make for You everything You want, gallery, section for tutorials, scripts, etc, etc.

We also don't want that You look at this post as a SPAN. This is an invitation.

Greetz to all and we are waiting for any sugestions.

Evermotion Team

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hey bag. :)

There are a bunch of Houdini forums scattered around the internet on places like cgchat and highend3d, but they get very little traffic. The Houdini community is so small that really all the activity is either on odforce, or sidefx's own board. I'm certainly not opposed to the idea of another Houdini forum, and some might say the more the merrier, but I doubt it would get mouch traffic. But hey, couldn't hurt, right?

That's a great looking site btw. ;)

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hi bag, what dajuice said :D

usually the same people across all the forums, i personally wouldnt want to see your time and effort undervalued. but, if people see houdini in action they might want to try it, so exposure is good :)

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yeah You right :) this is bad idea about new forum,

odForce rullezzz,

and You know what? actually I'm Maya user but after reading all this post here and on SideFX forum I serious think about change app from Maya to Houdini :rolleyes:

can anybody tell me, coz my main focus area are: particles, rbd, is Houdini got more power in this 3D area than Maya?

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hey bag

i was using maya for 4 years, and its a great package,

and im also in your shoes, being a particles guy, i 'veeven explored API in maya, and its obviously great and adds features below the GUI,

however using API is just not suitable cause its a ball ache just too get certain looks,

and just this year i moved to houdini and now i wont go back!!

even though im really rusty with the app, its increadible!!

i feel that in the dynamics sector, its very predictible, and very open ended.

even though the learning curve is steep and theres not too much learning material online, uve got the guys in odforce that can and DO help u with any questions. and then sidefx's forum, which is also quiet big.

so i'm in favour of one less maya user!!


all the best

aracid :blink:

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