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What's the best way to fill a pipe using geometry?


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Kind of like water flowing but using a simple geometry that conforms to the shape of the tube/pipe geometry.

Here is a screenshot:


Currently I am using the Trail SOP with a small increment and a Trail Length of 500, but it feels inefficient to me. I had to use a large number so by the end, the start of the "fluid" geometry doesn't disappear.

Is this the best way?

Thanks :)

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Hi~if you worry about the details lost at the corners of the curve,you can use a resample sop which will maitain most of the details you need with appropriate paramaters.And if you want to reduce the number of the points generated by the resample node,you can then wire in a refine node and choose "Unrefine" mode,which will reduce the number of points at the flat area while keep the points at the corners.

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