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How to exclude spawned particles to be omitted from collisions?


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I am experimenting with the new particles but certain things confuse me. I am trying to create a wall where I am shooting some particles to it and then at the point of impact, I want to spawn new particles that bounce off the wall or move away from the wall.


1. Should I use a Static Object for the wall and let Static Solver handle the collisions? Because when I do that I don't know how to exclude the new spawned particles from the same RBD collisions.


2. I am not able to control the velocity of the new spawned particles using the POP Replicate to shoot away from the wall. Almost half of them ends up on the other side of the wall. How should I fix this?


3. Both POP Solver and the POP Collision DOPs have collisions option. Who is really controlling the collisions and which one should I use to handle them? It seems like too many spoons in the soup :)


Eventually I want to have a group for the hit particles that are stuck in the wall, sparks and the original particles before they die when they hit the wall. So whichever technique would be best to handle this.



Thanks :)

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