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combining procedural and bitmap textures

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hi all. i have a procedural colour shader , and i want to add dirt to specific areas. i thought if i made a dirt later in photoshop and saved as 32bit, it would only use the colour layer and ignore the black background. but vops considers the background.. thus the black covers any colour below.

from the lava video tutorial i could get the displacement info and add color noise to that area for the dirt. but im curious if you can do that with an image layer on top of the procedural layer. or use the image as a mask for the procedural colour noise area.

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Hey Mark,

If you have alpha for the dirt map, make sure you switch the signature of the Texture VOP to be RGBA values then append a "Vector4 to Vector" VOP to the Colour output which will split up the RGB (vector) & A (fval4) values for you.

Next, put down a Colour Mix VOP, connect the procedural colour to the Primary Input, the Vector output of the "Vector4 to Vector" VOP to the Secondary input & the Alpha (fval4) to the Bias.

The above should do what you want.



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