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Tea and Cookies with Houdini


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Hello Everyone,


This is my first solo 2 part commercial training in Houdini.





The training  is mainly targeted towards beginners.


The aim of this commercial training is to take you through the process of creating the "Tea and Cookies" image, all the way from modeling to render and even the final color grading entirely in Houdini from scratch. This should help you gain a better perspective towards using Houdini as your primary tool for creating 3d content.


The training will take you through various aspects of Houdini including, Polygonal Modeling, Procedural modeling, Dynamics, Shader Building, Lighting, Rendering and Color Grading.


Part 1 deals with modeling of the content

Part 2 deals with lights, materials , rendering and color correction in Houdini COPS


Given below in the link to the training. Head on over to the website go through the descriptions of the lessons and see if it is something that will be helpful to you.



Duration -  6 hours total

No. of videos - 19

Houdini files are included.




link for my free training



Rohan Dalvi

Edited by rohandalvi
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