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Function newb


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Newb question!


If I go to aliases and variables and create a function like:


float test(float x, float y)
float result = x+y;
return $result;
And to test it I go to texport I do like:
echo `test(3,5)`
I get:
Expression error: Undefined variable
I was expecting 8, what am I doing wrong?
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Thanks Graham!


Now I want to create a function for my camera focus that works like a ramp based on distance so I want to get the distance between my camera and the target and divide it with a max distance and then I remap the values later so for that I did this:


float focus (vector cam,vector target,float maxdist)
vector direction = cam-target;
float dist = length(direction);
float ndist = dist / maxdist;
return ndist;
I can remap the values later but if I go to textport to test it like this:
echo `focus(vector3(1,1,1),vector3(5,5,5),5)`
Houdini tells me this:
Expression error: Invalid number of arguments for function
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks again!
Edited by Mzigaib
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I made a modification and it worked:


float focus (float maxdist,float near,float far)
vector cam = vector3(ch("/obj/cam1/tx"),ch("/obj/cam1/ty"),ch("/obj/cam1/tz"));
vector target = vector3(ch("/obj/target/tx"),ch("/obj/target/ty"),ch("/obj/target/tz"));
float dist = distance(cam[0],cam[1],cam[2],target[0],target[1],target[2]);
float ndist = clamp(maxdist/dist,near,far);
float finalfocus = fit01(ndist,near,far);
return finalfocus;
I hope it helps someone.
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