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How to specify a caustic cache map in H13's Mantra?

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I was watching Peter Quint's caustic series where he shows how to create a photon map and then use that in the renderer but in H13 these options do not seem to exist:




I also had to manually add the file parameter to be used for photon map generations, but I couldn't find the options in the image that allows you to specify a photon map to use in the renderer.


Are they renamed or is this workflow obsolete?


I don't know how else to get caustics like this one:





Thanks :)

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Baking options were were moved to the Caustic light, it's more logical there. You can see all the options there for the photon map generation


There is an option in the Mantra Rop/ Rendering Engine,  so you can bake them out i.e. network rendering doesn't like auto-generated maps.

Cuatics 3.hip


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Thanks Marty, it works. I didn't know where to use the photon map, now I see it. But if they are moved from Mantra ROP to Caustic Light, shouldn't the Photon Map Generation option be removed from the Mantra ROP as well? There is also a Photon Map Shader parameter that's used for generating this map, which should be removed too IMO.


Otherwise you can be confused thinking these operations are done in the Mantra ROP.

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You'd only be confused if you were looking for them ;)


Currently auto Photon Map Generation doesn't work for network rendering, the mantra rop option fixes that, you bake it out. - once it's all automated then it'll most likely be hidden away.


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