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some questions please help me :( !!!!

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Hi guys ...


I am new in this forum and I heard it is a good forum and there is a pro members here can help me , so I get here to ask you some questions please help me because they are very important to me !!


1 - in this page http://odforce.net/wiki/doku.php?id=mentalraysetup there is a way to setup mental ray to houdini but I didnot understand anything .Example , setenv MI_LIBRARY_PATH ”/path/to/mentalray_version/platform/shaders” I replaced the path with C:\Program Files\Autodesk\mentalrayForMaya2015 . Is that right ?? and in the path I replaced there are no folder called platform !!! ,so am I use a wrong version of mental ray ?


in the picture the way I do the things in the page









2 - when I setup mental ray can I use its materials and shaders we were using with maya and 3ds max ?? mental ray has a lot of shaders and materials we can use helpfully . and will MR render high quality and accurate such as rendering in maya or max ??


3 - what is ray3rc file ??


4 - can anyone tell me how to setup mental ray with video with full details because I am a beginner , very beginner noooooob ? so I need the way to noob man please !!!


5 - Can I setup V ray in houdini ? If I can , tell me how to do that with full details such as mental ray , please .


6 - Can I use V-ray materials in houidni ??


7 - Can I render fluids and particles and other dynamics in houdini with MR and VR ?


8 - Can I make fluid dynamics or any dynamic or anything and render it in LightWave render or MR or VR ?


9 - Is computer with : Intel Core i 3 and Intel HD graphics and 8 GB ram able to open houdini quitly well ?


10 - How to speed mantra render ?  I make a simple mantra surface material and make reflaction and refraction and I put the sphere which I put the mantra surface on it on a gird with checkboard material and the render took about 20 - 30 minutes !!



I know it is many questions and my English is very bad but I know you will help me :blush:

I am very blush from you :wub::blush:

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I'm going to try to give some short answers your questions. Please note that I've never used MR or vray inside of Houdini, only prman, because frankly I haven't had the need to. Mantra is extremely powerful if you know how to handle it.

I hope you don't have an apprentice license, because you can't use external renderers with them. 


1-6. You need to use standalone mental ray, not maya's mental ray plugin. Same with Vray.


7-8. I assume Houdini volumes won't work. If you want to use Vray or MR, I think you're better off with alembics, vdbs etc to pull your data into maya/max from Houdini.


9. I'm guessing it will work decently, but for simulation work you're going to need something better than that.


10. http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini13.0/render/understanding

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I'm going to try to give some short answers your questions. Please note that I've never used MR or vray inside of Houdini, only prman, because frankly I haven't had the need to. Mantra is extremely powerful if you know how to handle it.

I hope you don't have an apprentice license, because you can't use external renderers with them. 


1-6. You need to use standalone mental ray, not maya's mental ray plugin. Same with Vray.


7-8. I assume Houdini volumes won't work. If you want to use Vray or MR, I think you're better off with alembics, vdbs etc to pull your data into maya/max from Houdini.


9. I'm guessing it will work decently, but for simulation work you're going to need something better than that.


10. http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini13.0/render/understanding

thank you very very much , I will download mental standalone to apply

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yes , mantra is very slow !!!


Is arnold able to render fluids , smokes and other dynamics ??


Saying both "mantra is very slow" and "I am very beginner noob" is making me believe that you haven't even tried learning Mantra.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


But to answer your question, HtoA can render geometry and vdb-volumes.


Edit: HtoA user guide: https://support.solidangle.com/display/AFHUG/Arnold+for+Houdini+User+Guide


But then again HtoA is still in public (customers) beta.

Edited by JonathanGranskg
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The best solution will be to learn Mantra instead of trying to trying to render to Vray and Mental d'lay.


Many productions use Mantra and find it very good.

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