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Pieces freeze in the Air

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i have an problem. I want to destroy an building .This building has to different components.For both parts i create at first the scatter and voronoifracture.At the End i create Active Points with an attributetransfer and the distance threshold. It works very well.But there is one mistake.Some pieces are freeze in the air .And i dont know why.If i delete the active points the mistakes are not so often.

And a second problem is that the little pieces at the ground are bouncing.


Does anyone know how i can fix it?



Thanks in advance.

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Well , your file node is pointing to a bgeo on your hard drive

if you lock the node , houdini will store the file internally and that way you don´t have to

attach the external file


I am getting an error that the file is not there. Make a test on you scene. change the name of the file or take it out of the directory and them load 

your hip again , and you will get the same error that I am getting okay




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could you explain what you want to achieve 

this file is kind of unproductive.

It take a long time to sim , and from my point of view it needs some work done on it .

I see overlapping RBD object and more


I can kind of get an idea, but maybe you can explain what you want.





Edited by mangi
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Its a part of an Studentproject.Where a person fly into this building.I dont want that the whole building will be destroyed because we need the ruin for the next scene.Then its important that the building is consists of two different materials (concrete for "Betonobjekt" and marble for "Steinobjekt"). Thats the reason why i split this two materials and objects and create different scatter and voronoifracture objects.And if the simulation is complete i will add some dust.I hope i can create the dust in maya with houdini exported particles because we will render everything in maya.But i read there is an export and import problem from particles from houdini to maya.But this happend everything later.


My problem by the simulation is: some pieces are freeze in the air or stuck with other pieces they dont fall very well. And the second problem ist that the little pieces bouncing on the floor.


I hope you have some solutions for me.I know my workflow is very stupid.But im a newbie and thats was the only workflow that i could create.




Maybe you have some other tips for my workflow.Maybe how the simulaion can be much faster.



Sorry for my bad english ;)

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Okay Jan

it´s 10:00pm in madrid and the game "argentina vs holanda" is about to start.


I will check it out in the morning and see how I can help you okay.





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hi Jan got a minute at 1/2 time

the file I tried to open has another unlocked node



do to this , the file is not cooking properly


also I will be out most of the day tomorrow





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ok thank you very much again. I think the problem is the last part of the "Stein" and the "Beton" node. Because if i delete the attribtransfer1,file2 and point2 nodes there are no peaces stays in the air. So there a some problems with the active points. I think in the air the value of some peaces changed and they will be passiv objects.

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