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getting dynamic arrays into shaders

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I was wondering if there is any way to easily get dynamic arrays into shaders to do something like the following:

I want an shader to react with an particle system. Let's say I have a particle System and if an particle is close to the surface I want the surface to change it's color (e.g. some ramp mapped to the distance of P of the obect with the shader and the Particle Position). To make things a bit more tricky I'd want to change the color on those areas permanently. With a fixed # of particles the first part works all quite well, but I didn't menage to find a more dynamic solution to it. Thanks for any ideas


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Hey Jens,

Point clouds are your friends! :D

I don't know if you're trying this in H7; but if you are, you could turn your particles into a point cloud, and then proximity tests are a breeze -- heck; you could turn each particle into a light source if you wanted to.

As for the effect being persistent in time... you'd probably need your particles to stick and split again after the contact event. In other words, for persistence, you'd need the particles themselves to carry the "history" somehow.


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Thanks for your answers :D

Thinking aloud is good :) Maybe I'm wrong, but for finer details/more prescion the geometry would need as well more detail to start with and I'd like to avoid that. Or is it possible to write/change textures at rendertime ? This would be pretty handy really to store collision info on the surfaces that way.

Concerning the point clouds, are they already available in the H7 apprentice edition (H7.142 that is)? In the VEX help I couldn't find anything on them :unsure:


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Concerning the point clouds, are they already available in the H7 apprentice edition (H7.142 that is)? In the VEX help I couldn't find anything on them  :unsure: 


Ahhhh; the apprentice edition. Mmmmnope... I don't think build 142 has all the stuff there.

Sorry about that :blush:

Oh crap; that means that apprentice people can't use the subsurface stuff either... Oh well; I guess it's a matter of waiting a bit. You'll love point clouds though; lot's of fun! :D


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Search system directs you to the old (6.1) VEX Reference.

VEX 7.0 Reference located here:

D:/Houdini 7.0/houdini/vex/html/quickref.html


Ah, thanks. In the 7.0 doc that comes with the Apprentice Edition, there isn't anything on the point clouds yet, but the VOP's are actually there in the VEX Builder. Btw. looking at the docs, I saw the new BRDF Shading Models B) Didn't see anything on raylabels or alike though, but maybe the final is in for a few surprises ;)


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In the 7.0 doc that comes with the Apprentice Edition, there isn't anything on the point clouds yet


H7.0.142 Win2k

file:///D:/HOUDINI 7.0/houdini/vex/html/functions.html#pcloud


VEX Run Time Library Reference -> Runtime Image Acces Functions -> Point Cloud Texture

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