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Greeble elements / placement

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Hi guys, I'm very basic at Houdini so please have patience with me.

I am to do this Houdini project for school in which I have to create a 'greeble' tool.

Basically a node which adds random detail to whatever shape you hook up to it.

For people confused by this, please see the following screenshot:


Normal grid turns into: http://puu.sh/cAhRC/1a88fa66d8.jpg


What I have done for now is made a small network which divides an object/grid, then extrudes the randomly created faces:



However, I still need to create elements to place on top of these extrusions, and I'm not sure how to go about either creating or placing them.

I'm talking about elements which can by randomized, like this: http://puu.sh/cAi2t/1e880edd8c.jpg


If this is all kinda vague, please ask me and I'll try to clarify more.

If someone could help me out here, guide in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it!

I added my Houdini file if anyone wants to take a look.



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In the video's that you use you'll find a referral to the creep tool. That is what you need to look for in order to solve the placement there

Thank you! Of course I watched it, but it mostly covers how how to prevent unwanted deformation of object used to 'creep' on top of a nurb surface / normalizing etc.

I can't really figure out how I should use this node in combination with the division network set up within my foreach node used to divide the grid.

As you can see, things get a little dicey: http://puu.sh/cAliQ/cb3f9d0465.jpg

I understand how to use the creep on just a grid, but not in combination with all the division nodes.

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