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Newbie: Polyextrude


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This is not the first time I am extruding. But I am having a little problem when I try to extrude a sphere (mesh). I simply cannot select the faces and even display the normals.:unsure: However if i convert the sphere to polygon, instantly the faces become selectable and the normals appear.

How do I extrude a polymesh sphere. A box is working fine. So is a poly sphere. Its only when i convert it to mesh that the faces become unselectable. What am I missing? :wacko:

P.S: I am using Houdini apprentice .142 build on windows.

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A Mesh is actually a bilinear patch mesh. Think of it as a NURBS patch except it's always at the lowest level of detail. So you can't actually extrude it.

I understand why you want to start off with a mesh sphere because it gives you nice quadrilaterals. My suggestion would be to append a default Convert SOP which converts it from Mesh to Polygon. Now you'll be able to PolyExtrude it.

Why would you want Mesh primitives? They're more memory efficient and there's direct support for them in prman.

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