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VOP question


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I'm following an old tutorial from CMIVFX where you create a galaxy. Since it's old i have to adapt many things, and i'm having lots of issues. Currently i'm stuck at one it seems i can't figure out by myself.


In the center of the galaxy i'd like to create a bulge in the Y direction but i can't seem to change it form X to Y.


So currently it's deforming in X direction which i don't want. I tried solving it by changing the circle geometry from ZX axis to YZ and the bulge created in the X direction, then i transformed the complete thing with the transform SOP to get it into horizontal position. But down the road that created more problems than it solved.


Now i'm asking you, how could i change the position from X to Y in VOPs, where i have my bulge setup.  There are two setups, on the left is the wanted result, and on the right is the ''proper'' way to do it but with lots of issues.


File is in the attachment. 


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I have another question.


I'm trying to split particles into two groups, large and small. In the large group i defined which particles i want with this: rand($PT) > .98, and then in the ''small'' group i just combined that large doesn't equal to small. So, i should have two groups. Then i have two Attribute VOPs where i set up parameters for width. Then i assigned a group to each attribute VOP, but i found that only the first VOP is working and the second isn't. 


I bypassed it by adding an attribute with Add Attribute SOP, but it isn't as flexible as it is with vops so i'd like to find out why it isn't working.
Any ideas why?
File is in the attachment, i color marked the nodes i'm having issues with.
Many thanks,


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it's because you are using an addAttribute to set the width.

If you look at the help card it says : http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini14.0/nodes/vop/addattrib



This does not change the attribute values. To change the value of the currently processed element, see the Bind Export VOP. To change other elements or other attribute classes, see Set Attribute VOP.


if you replace it by a set Attribute, a bind export or a parameter, it will work.

Edited by iamyog
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