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Randomly select objects for L-system or particles


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I'm trying to randomly select some objects to plug into an L-system (J input) as leaves.

I thought there was a select SOP or something that I could plug this into but I can't seem to find it.

I have about 10 variations of leaves and I'd like to be randomly used in my L-System. Another area where I need to do this is with particles instances.


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Hi Rick,

I think I've got it-- you want to use the leaf stamping feature in conjunction with a switch SOP:

1. plug all your leaf geometry variations into a Switch SOP, then plug the switch SOP into the lLSystem, for this example use the "Leaf J Input" on the LSystem SOP.

2. Set your stamping parameter on the switch SOP like this:


This will take the value of the variable called "mystamp" and use it as the input index for your switch SOP. The "%opninputs(".") will make it cycle through the number of leaf variations you have plugged into your switch SOP.

3. In the Lsystem SOP, set up your stamping variable:

--Under the "Funcs" tab, set "Leaf Param A" to mystamp

--In the "Rules" tab, try something like this to help get you started:

--Rule 1: A=!"////////B

--Rule 2: B=&FFFAJ(1,0,i)

-- the stuff in there with J(1,0,i) is the leaf stamping stuff , it will probably need some tweaking before it's working well for you... check the LSystem help page for more info.

Good luck, hope this helps!


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