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Change color of Copy Groups with different CHOP channels

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 I'm looking to change the color values of copy groups using information coming from a CHOP network. I've gotten it so that a single channel can affect a single copy group, but I don't know how to make it so that each channel changes the color paramaters of seperate copy groups. I could set up 127 color nodes and select a different group in each one, but I know that's not how you're supposed to  work in Houdini.


In the included file, the Channel surface node provided a simple method for CHOPS channels changing the position of points on a line. But my methods of using attribute scope Cd(1) to affect color changes on the copy groups crashed the program every time.


It's taken me ...hours... to get to this point. I'll keep plugging away, but if anyone knows a solution, it would be appreciated.


Edited by tandava.ananda
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Neat. It doesn't crash anymore, but I still can't get it to color the individual copy groups.
Instead of using P(1) to change position on the Y axis, I'm trying Cd(1) to change the colors on the green spectrum. I'm going by what I gather from the Help module:
P Point position (X, Y, Z), 3 values
Pw Point weight, 1 value
Cd Point color (red, green, blue), 3 values
Alpha Point alpha, 1 value
N Point normal value (X, Y, Z), 3 values
uv Point texture coordinates (U,V,W), 3 values
but when I MMB the Channel SOP it tells me "Error: Unknown attribute Cd.
I've edited the attached file in the original post to show the current workflow.




Sounds like you might have been hitting a bug that has been fixed?
From the journal

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 I know what you're saying I need to do, and it makes sense, but I can't figure out how to do it right.

 These are my first steps into Houdini so everything is new.


I tried using an Attribute Create node and then referencing it in the Channel SOP but I'm clearly not doing it right.

I've been combing the internet and the help guide trying to find an example of anything remotely close to help me make sense of this, but nothing yet.

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