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Animated Gravity Field


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  I have a keyed gravity that affects a FLIP simulation (a box of water..), and I am trying to find how I can offset my gravity force to start with top particles down to bottom.


  Ideally I would have an animated box that would trigger the gravity effects on the particles...


  After a lot of research, it seems that I need to use the mask slot of the gravity but can't figure out more than that, as I don't see in the viewport any feedback for the scalar field and vector field.




Thank you!!!

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Go to FLIP Solver > Particle Motion : turn off Apply External Forces

And wire POP Force to second input (Particle Velocity) set Force to -9.8 on Y-axis or whatever you like.



This way external forces will not affect your flip sim. 

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Hi, thank you both very much for your help.  I was able to make it work with a mix of your solutions.  The Pop Force in the velocity of the Flip Solver is working very good.  I attach the working scene if somebody else wants to see the setup.


I was never able to read the particle group in the Gravity solver like you suggested Diego, do you have more tips for that?...  I write the group in the gravity, the group exists but it seems to be just on or off, no animation possible.


p.s. Also a tutorial here for grouping particles, around 7:30:


Edited by RickToxik
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