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Import Animation into Houdini?


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I have recently gone through the tutorials on the Apprentice Cd and must say that Houdini is an amazing package.

However i have some concerns.

Currently we use Max, Maya and XSI in our pipeline. We are using Deep exploration for file conversions and it works great! However there is no Houdini support in there.

So how do you get animation data from XSI or Maya into Houdini?

A good example would be if I animated a Rock type character walking in XSI. I'd like to have dust particles fall off of him. I'd like to create these particles in Houdini of course. Well...what's the technique of bringing in that geometry with Animation?

I know some of the ppl on here are industry pros who use multiple packages.....perhaps you can shed some light on the subject?


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Sure I can hehe... pick a text editor and then...

The truth is that I only had to bring a few channels, so I plotted the animations in Soft3D to nulls, then exported those. Grabbed the chunks of animation from the dotXSI and VIMed them. Nothing sort of automated.

I'm not that good with perl, heck I can't even remember how to parse a file.

A script that generated a houdini .cmd as well as the .chan files would be nice for sure.

the dotXSI raw chanels are written like this


very similar to the chan format

channel1 channel2 .... .... channeln

I'm sure it's straightforward for anyone that knows perl, not me as you can see... :blink:

There's also the dotXSI File Transfer Kit. It's available at no cost. But that would be for doing a true importer plugin...

EDIT: ouch forgot the link XSI FTK

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