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Nice tool but... I can see why you are asking for a solution like this in Houdini. It costs $300/month just to lease per machine. They even have a player so you can see the result without consuming a license.

This is obviously a very complete solution so your question requires much work to solve completely in Houdini.

Just by looking at their solution, they are limited to one face per particle. In other words, you are at the mercy of their cracker. This limits the effect to flat tiny shards. Nice for bullets in glass and big flat walls but what about large curved polygon pieces...

Looking at their gallery, I guess I got the look of busted up plaster and drywall all wrong. The next time I do some renovation I will be sure to look at the drywall as it breaks and say "jeese, this must not be correct because this amazing tool called Blast Code says it has to break like real big pieces of glass." :rolleyes: There are other big problems with the images in their gallery to me if I were to be critical as to how things bend and flap as they break.

I think this tool has limited usefulness to glass IMHO.

If I were to do this, I would:

- Make sure you can bust up pieces that composed of any number of grouped pieces, curved or not. The trick is to properly initialize and orient the pieces to particles. There are files somewhere on OdForce from others with the simple single prim chunk pieces as in Blast Code. Do a search and see what you come up with. If I have time I will clean up and post a couple of mine.

- Need HDK to build tool to do glass cracking or some clever SOPs to do the job. Do a search on this forum as I remember way back seeing some glass cracking solutions.

- Auto-solid tools to get chunks to fly instead of flat surfaces. This is pretty trivial for polys but a bit more involved for NURBs but still doable. Also need to solve the wood studs in walls. Pretty intensive that one is.


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yeah...this plugin /looks/ cool...but it's pretty limited...

Jeff's suggestions are good...

also look around in these:


they are a bit old, but will give you some great ideas about how to do this lkind of thing...

also I seem to remember there being a couple of eg hip files around (are they in the new Hv7 help?) that had an object getting broken and then bouncing on a water surface...anyone remember those? were they in the old demo files?

oh and also look at the Cleave SOP:


...if only DD would release their cool tornado stuff... :thumbsup:

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