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Get Rid Of Those Annoying HUD Items?


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Is there a way to turn off those annoying RED hud items that have just appeared in the R14 release?


For instance, when I am UV Transforming a Soft Radius slider appears in my UV viewport that is linked directly to my middle mouse wheel. Because I am often zooming in and out I use the wheel for that. But sometimes Houdini does not catch the fact I pressed the space bar before sampling the mouse wheel and then my mouse wheel command goes to the slider instead of the viewport. This causes all my selected UVs to joins together in a mess. I know I can set the radius back to zero to recover from this and continue but it is quite annoying and interrupts my workflow.


I would like to have no overlays in my viewport, don't get my started on that connectivity box that has no X to close.

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If this is the same thing which appear as number of rows and columns when creating a sphere primitive, should be 'node handles' option to turn off, in view port display options, under 'guides' tab. Forget me if I'm talking about something different.

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They are 'handles'; RMB on in the red slider in the viewport and uncheck 'display', or RMB on the handle tool in the toolbox to turn off handles with a checkbox list


Edit: you could also RFE to have a preference to always turn them off if they really annoy you too

Edited by tar
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