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Group DOP Objects by age

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I'd like to group DOP objects after they become active in the SIM, I dont think it should be tied into $F because I have an active value which activates pieces of geo at different times.


I know that you can group dop objects by position using:  dopoption(".", $OBJID, "Position", "ty") <= -3


But I wonder how you'd group them based on their "normalize age".


My methodology is to add a "counter attribute" to the DOP objects using a sop sover inside the same network and then find out what syntax I'd use to access the "counter attribute" and group using that.


Any thoughts ?



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What's up Nic!


I assume your not using packed prims because you're using the dopoption expression.  Take a look at this file and see if does what you're looking for.  It isn't in a sopsolver though.  Instead it creates a dop level counter attribute based on activation.  That attribute can then be used to make a group.


If anyone has any other clever ways, it would be cool to see.



Edited by rtep
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I didn't know where the activevalue was stored.  SolverParms/ActiveValue would have been a good guess though...


And I didn't know you could use `/` to get deeper into dopfields.   dopfield($DOPNET, $OBJID, "SolverParms/ActiveValue", "Options", 0, "active")


That's good to know.  Thanks.

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