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Why does Capture Mirror change capture regions on 'from' side?

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Hello there,


I was doing some experiments with muscle/metaball capturing.

And I ran into such a situation that the result of Capture Layer Paint (the upper snapshot) and Capture Mirror (the lower snapshot) don't match.



It seems that all the points painted with opacity > 0 are scaled up to opacity 1 but I don't know why.

I've attached my .hipnc file if that can help you solve my issue.




Edited by cmymc
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it's just a color visualization that shows weights as normalized

the actual captured data is correct, just mirrored data values without any postprocessing

you can append another capturelayerpaint to just recompute visualization to see it correctly

your DeformMuscle node should work correctly though anyway


maybe worth submitting a bug about that color normalization

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