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Voronoifracturepoints Variables

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please could anyone help me? Setup is standard fracturing with a voronoifracturepoint(VFP). I want to access all the generated fragments outside/inside from the pseudo-meta-sphere of the voronoifracturepointsop. Usage for example: I want to color the inside and outside frags.

Ok, inside the VFP-SOP I found the neccessary pointgroups/clouds. scatter surface, scatter interior, scatter exterior.

So far so good. Now I want to make a NEW VFP-asset with 4 Outputs. The standard one and the three above.

The first problem is, if I want to build an new asset, how the number of outputs are inactive.

Second: how is it practicable to check if a i.e. outside fragment associated to a certain point etc.

A pointwrangle solution would be fine or even a pointvop. Ideally both :-)


So thanks in advance.

Edited by Follyx
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I'm not 100% sure what you mean.


Do you want to change the colour of the points that the Voronoi Fracture Points SOP produces? If so, the SOP separates them into 3 point groups interior, exterior and surface.


Or, do you want to colour the inside of fractured geometry? If so, you need to add a Voronoi Fracture SOP so that  you can use the inside or outside primitive groups that it produces.


Hope this, helps, sorry if that's not what you meant!

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