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trouble writing out .PC

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Hey guys , 

So I'm following the cmivfx Directable particles in H14, and I'm having trouble in the beginning where I have to write out .PC files.  I keep getting a convert .i3d error message; And also when it does write when I try bringing the file back in nothing appears on the view port. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot. 


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Thanks for the help. It seems to be able to write out the .PC files now, but when I bring them back in with the file SOP and middle click on it. The nodes empty, there's no details or info. Each file written is only 1KB. I'm not really sure whats wrong now. Any advice?Thanks

Edited by supremeoh
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  • 3 months later...

Sorry to bring this back from the dead, but I'm having the exact same issue. I'd like to learn about point clouds but I'm utterly stuck on this step. Even tried assigning a shader with pcwrite but that would only write out a single file and overwrite it with each successive frame.

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