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Embed current frame number in flipbook... [SOLVED]

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Is there any way to display in the viewport the current frame number so the flipbook would catch it ?

Or any other way that it would be embedded in the flipbook as it's being generated ?

Edited by cojoMan
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You can also add a Viewport Comment parameter to the camera, with $F in it: Parm dialog (gear) menu: Edit Rendering Parameter > Viewport Display > OpenGL View > Viewport Comment.

Is it possible to merely change the size of this viewport comment?

I've tried all variables listed in the 'resources' file in the $HFS/config folder. None font setting reflects but DefaultFont.

So I'm wondering is there ceratin variable, say ViewportCommentFont, to define the size?

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speaking of openGL rop - I am trying to get previews working like this : after setting up a dynamic sim that needs to run for a good while, chain link an openGl rop, si per each simmed frame, you get a preview frame, (ala flipbook). Works for particles, geo, and volumes BUT - when setting up a simple fireball sim, it captures a grayscale version of the volume, even if the viewport is more colorful...

Looked through all the options, but non unlocked the flipbook look...


So what I am trying to do is flipbook (exact vieport capture), while the cache is being created, one frame at a time - and since the output would be a dropbox shared folder - I would be able to monitor status at my conveniance....


There was a mention that for high transparency MATERIAL SHADERS should be used - but I don't udnerstand what that is reffering to...I just dropeed an off the shelf explosion that has a fireball shader already on...anyone dabbled into this ?... 

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