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morient in python

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You would most likely have to build the matrix yourself, fortunately if you already have two axes, as I assume you do to use the morient expression, although I've never used so it I'm not hundred percent on use cases, it shouldn't be too tough.


All you need to do is take the cross product of the two axis vectors which will then give you the third axis and you can build the matrix per component hou.matrix3(X[0], X[1], X[2], Y[0].....,Z[2]).. Houdini uses Row major notation so that should be the proper way to build it.


This page seemed to be good as well http://renderdan.blogspot.com/2006/05/rotation-matrix-from-axis-vectors.html

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Thanx !

I have 3 perpendicular vectors and I want to get rotation to that "axis system".
The most simple form to get it is using hou.hscriptVectorExpression to get 3 angles from morient expr.
So I just want to see most elegant (python) way )


x, y, z = hou.hscriptVectorExpression('''
matrix mat=morient(vector3(%f, %f, %f), vector3(%f, %f, %f));
return vector3(explodematrix( mat, "SRT", "XYZ", "RX" ), explodematrix( mat, "SRT", "XYZ", "RY" ), explodematrix( mat, "SRT", "XYZ", "RZ" ));
}''' % (dir_y[0], dir_y[1], dir_y[2], dir_z[0],dir_z[1],dir_z[2]) )
Edited by Alexey Vanzhula
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