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FBX Face RIG Import Problem


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Hi All,


I have a found a face rig on Blendswap that I want to bring into Houdini. It functions fine in Blender.I make the correct selection in Blender and export to FBX. Blender supports FBX ASCII 6.1 and BINARY 7.4 so I export two versions. I have tried importing each FBX file into Houdini and while it does successfully import the geometry and some bones, the rig is far from functional.


When I import the ASCII 6.1 I get the following message box which seems to indicate that some channels were found but are not being imported. Is there a solution to this problem?



Are there python hooks for PRE_IMPORT and POST_IMPORT events?

Perhaps a post import script could fix some problems?








I am attaching both versions of the FBX files for testing.

cc_by_guy_face_rig.zipFetching info...

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I've been able to load up fbx files with rigs before and never seen anything quite like this. Are you sure that Blender is exporting it correctly? In houdini some of hte capture nodes don't seem to have any weighting information. Seems kind of odd.

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It could be Blender's export. I just tried the FBX in C4D and I get the same results you found in Modo as well. The major bones work but the smaller face/muscle controls do not. I filed a bug report with Blender but who knows if anyone there will fix it?

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