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Transform multiple POPAxes at once?

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hi - maybe this is simple but i can't figure it out -


I have six POPAxisForce nodes - see picture - and I want to duplicate all six of them and then move all six of them as a group to the right somewhat. I can't use a Null or and Edit or an Xforn node within the DOP network, right? 

Just looking for a more efficient way to set up this..








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Edit - I realize I am trying to transform their centers, not their x,y,z... 

In Maya you can select multiple nodes and type something like this in a channel box:  + = 5    and they will all add 5 to their respective values. Is there a Houdini equivalent?


(ps I also realize I can do this one at a time, of course... just looking for a more efficient way)

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I'm not sure this is the most efficient way, 

but off the top of my head,

I'd create a null and change the parameter interface to have a float value that would be the distance between the two groups.

Then duplicate the 6 pop forces, and have their centers be a relative reference of their duplicate plus the relative reference of the null float.

That way, you always maintain the distance, even if you change the locations of your originals, 

and you have the ability to change the amount of distance at any point, without having to change anything...

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you can multiselect them

then MMB drag on value will offset the parm in all of them


multiselect them

add keyframe to center parm (Alt+Click)(it will add it to center parm of all selected nodes)

scope center parm

select those keyframes in channel editor

type +5 in Value parm at the bottom (similarly *5 /5 and for subtracting you have to do +-5, as just -5 is absolute value of -5 )

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  • 1 year later...

On this topic -

I have a whole bunch of POPAxisForce nodes in a POP network (several toruses). They are laid out perfectly in relation to the source object at the first frame, but then of course the source object moves, and they do not. Is there a SIMPLE way to have their positions and rotations follow the animated source object? I know the longer way - copy and paste relative references from the SOP object onto each of their Centers with an offset, but I'm wondering if there is a simpler way.



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To answer this in case some one else needs this solution:

Take a sphere and make it a child of the animated object on the /obj level. Then create a geo node, hop in it, and create an ObjectMerge. Merge your sphere and check transform into this object.

Then on the dops level, on the "Center" of your PopAxisForce, type in   centroid("../../../Sphere/object_merge1", D_X) in the X, and then do the Y and Z (D_Y, D_Z in the code).

Should snap your axisForce to the center of the sphere object.

(for rotation it's different - in a nutshell make a two-point line one unit long and transform it with the rotation of the object on the OBJ level. If the first point is at 0,0,0, the second point will be your vector)

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