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flip solver results,low/high resolution are quite different


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hey guys

i'm a new Houdini user,i'm doing a fluid project.  wish i could get some help from you,thanks first!

The main problem is that when I increase particle separation from 0.01 to 0.0045,the results are quite different,i didn't change any other parameters

here are images ,the separations are 0.01 and 0.0045  



why it looks like this?did Iforget something ?

Edited by JesseVFX
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That is the nature of fluid simulation. Don't spend a lot of time at a resolution that is not your final resolution.  You need to work at the resolution that you are going to render at. Fluid resolution is not an A-B switch where you can just turn it up after your done. Fluid resolution affects all the calculations in between as well.


Become familiar with how to write out your surfaced fluid to disk. Then you can use the file node to read that info into your scene and get better scrubability or playback.

Edited by Atom
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That is the nature of fluid simulation. Don't spend a lot of time at a resolution that is not your final resolution.  You need to work at the resolution that you are going to render at. Fluid resolution is not an A-B switch where you can just turn it up after your done. Fluid resolution affects all the calculations in between as well.


Become familiar with how to write out your surfaced fluid to disk. Then you can use the file node to read that info into your scene and get better scrubability or playback.

oh got it,thank you so much Atom!!!

BTW,what should I do if I want a result looks like 0.01  when the separation is 0.0045? i changed some parameters but I can't get what I want

Edited by JesseVFX
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