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revolve sop for lathing and curve sop

for splines. there's a freehand option

in the curve sop. also no tangent handles

or per-point tangent settings (smooth, corner,

bezier etc.), the entire spline has to be one

or the other. convert to poly and use polywire

to emulate renderable mesh settings.

also missing are handy editable-spline tools like

boolean and outline, but there may be work-arounds.


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1) Curve SOP. In the parameters dialog, you can change the type for NURBS or Beziers. Don't forget that you can also change the method between CVs and breakpoints.


I'm not sure what you mean by not having boolean or outline. What about the Cookie SOP? For outline, do you mean having open primitives? If you drew a closed primitive using the Curve SOP, you can just append an Ends SOP and set the Close U parameter to Unroll. There's also other opens in th e Ends SOP for opening up primitives.

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in editable-spline from max there is a spline

boolean option (as an editable spline can contain

several splines). In houdini I haven't found a

way to boolean curves except for hole which only

works when one curve encloses another.

the border sops over in codex might perform an

outline of a curve, but I've yet to properly install

either of them...


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