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Displace volume along normal?


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First, I'm new to houdini.

I'm a fairly advanced nuke user though (if that is relevant)


Second, I'm trying to do the cmiVFX - Houdini Fractals Clouds and Terrains tutorial, but it seems that quite a lot have changed with Houdini since that was made.


In chapter 7 of the tutorial, you are supposed to render out an i3d file of a text. But, that node seems to be disabled in Houdini 15.


From what I've come to understand, the i3d-workflow has been replaced by regular bgeo files, which I assume is for a good reason. However, the tutorial uses Texture3d and gradient 3d, which seems to require an i3d file.

It seems that the Texture3d-node has been replaced with volume sample, and I assume that gradient3d has been replaced with volumegradient, however, I can't seem to replicate the result in the tutorial.

I think it's because the volume gradient node is sligtly different, then gradient3d.


Now, as I said, I'm sure that i3d is gone, for a good reason, and I don't feel the need to do it exactly the same way as in the tutorial, so how else can I displace the volume along the objects normal?

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