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Smoke / Dust cloud with translucency / scattering?

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Hi guys -


I've been searching and searching and can't seem to get an answer that works. I want my dust cloud to react to the light - such that the light penetrates through it, recognizing the density of the voxels.


Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology?  Is this called scattering? Translucency? 


I've been pointed towards VolumeLight but that does not seem to work. 


Any help will be greatly appreciated! 


Something like this:



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Thanks James, that was it.  That should turn on by default if you drop a volume light in the scene...IMHO


John K, that looks great. Can I look at your Hip file ? Or can you explain the procedure for using the cloud light?



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I'm also pretty interested in the method you used John, that image you've posted up looks like the ideal look I'm trying to achieve at the moment!


Without meaning to hi-jack this thread, one more question! Your smoke looks nice and sharp too how did you get the definition out of it, is it quite a hi-res sim?

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