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Updating the parameter window when selecting a node in the network edi


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I am able to select a node in the network editor with python very easily.  The problem I am running into is how to cause the parameter window to update based on this selection.  


There seems to be different levels of selection.  When selecting through the UI (left-clicking on a node), the node turns deep yellow, and the parameter window (PW) updates.  When you shift select with the mouse, the last selected becomes deep yellow, and the previous node is outlined in a lighter yellow (this is the sort of selection that is produced by calling node.setCurrent( 1 ) or node.setSelected( 1 ).  If you click off a node in the network editor, you essentially deselect all the nodes, but the last selection remains in the PW, and the relative node has a slight white outline around it, I guess indicating the PW relationship.


I am trying to create a new node and have it become selected with the PW reflecting the new object.  


Does anyone have any tips on how to accomplish this easily without querying too much of the UI panels?




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node.setCurrent( 1 )

That should work. It sets "last selection" to the node, and updates Parameters Window properly for me. It may visually appear like orange frame still on old node, however. Try moving in the network editor to redraw it. Also check if PW is not pinned.

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