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Attribute transfer using PcOpen FAILING!


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Hello all! 

So, I am animating a sphere with red colour and transferring that colour to a black grid. Using a solver I then create a lag of the colour value on the grid. 

The first method I use is ofcourse the Attribute Transfer SOP. This method works great and is perfect 

The second method I use is a wrangle and I do a pcfilter by Cd and transfer the colour 
Now the problem using this method is that when I do this transfer of attrib in the solver, it does not create a lag as I expect it to, like the attrib transfer SOP and I am curious as to why that is happening 

Hopefully someone has the answer to this, any help would be greatly appreciated! 




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You are not adding to the existing @Cd values in your wranlge, just add a "+=" to your line:


v@Cd += pcfilter( handle, "Cd" ); 


which is the same as:


v@Cd = @Cd+pcfilter( handle, "Cd" ); 

Edited by Yader
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