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matching cams to geo

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Hi all,


I'm trying to align 5 x HD cams (orthographic) along a 960 x 10.8 grid so that I can split the render across them.


Is there a specific & technically 'correct' way to do this?


At the moment I am just manually placing the cameras along the geo in the scene, but this seems pretty dangerous/lacking accuracy.


I'd also (ideally) like a way to kill any geo/points out of view when rendering each cam. I remember seeing a setup for this (using the frustum) but it's eluding me today - Can't find it anywhere.


Any tips, as always, very much appreciated. :)




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> Would still appreciate some suggestions on killing geo outside of the individual tiles though. :)


How much extra geometry are we talking about? How are you constructing your geometry?


Are you just wanting a frustum culler? There's a few ways to do it. I prefer a camera based volume (max size 80 or so) into a group sop then kill that group. Other people prefer a UV projection technique.


here's a bit of discussion:



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> Would still appreciate some suggestions on killing geo outside of the individual tiles though. :)


How much extra geometry are we talking about? How are you constructing your geometry?


Are you just wanting a frustum culler? There's a few ways to do it. I prefer a camera based volume (max size 80 or so) into a group sop then kill that group. Other people prefer a UV projection technique.


here's a bit of discussion:




My geo is lots (millions) of points scattered onto a geo surface.


In the end I have settled on downscaling the amount of points in my scene (500k), and rendering out the geo with a wedge & offsetting the scatter seed for each. Leaving me with 5mil points.


That way I can work nicely in the scene, and all the heavy lifting is done with mantra. :)


(Here's Peter Quint's video explaining the technique - for any other noobs out there like me ;) )




Thanks for the frustum discussion link though - Have bookmarked it as it will come in very handy in the near future I'm sure!

Edited by meldrew
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