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Starting a Flipbook to a Specified Folder in Python


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Before all, OpenGL ROP. You may find it more convenient to work with this node using Python.


hou.GeometryViewport.saveFlipbook() still not in H15, but you can invoke HScript command viewwrite from Python. Example:

import hou
import toolutils

def viewname(viewer):
    viewname = {
        'desktop' : viewer.pane().desktop().name(),
        'pane' : viewer.name(),
        'type' :'world',
        'viewport': viewer.curViewport().name()
    return '{desktop}.{pane}.{type}.{viewport}'.format(**viewname)

def viewwrite(options='', outpath='ip'):
    current_view = viewname(toolutils.sceneViewer())
    hou.hscript('viewwrite {} {} {}'.format(options, current_view, outpath))

viewwrite('-q 4 -f 1 10', "$HIP/flipbook/'$F3'.jpg")
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On 4/12/2016 at 4:46 PM, f1480187 said:


Colud You tell why it's not working reading the files back.




import hou

import toolutils


hou.hscript( "loadseq -r a:/Projects/HoudiniTests/Python/flipbook/'$F3'.jpg")

print 1


Edited by gemini
Sorry I unfortunately I edited your code
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Colud You tell why this code is not working for reading the captures files back.
 -- code --
import hou
import toolutils
hou.hscript( "loadseq -r a:/Projects/HoudiniTests/Python/flipbook/'$F3'.jpg")
print 1

Edited by gemini
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Looks like it's MPlay-specific. Houdini doesn't know about loadseq command. Forum search says that you are first living human trying to use this command. hou.Mplay functionality still not implemented at all, like flipbook generaition classes, so, you are out of luck even with HScript, probably.

From Houdini Textport:

/ -> help loadseq
No installed command matches loadseq

From MPlay Textport:

mplay -> help loadseq

    Loads a sequence of files into mplay.


But it is extremely easy to directly call MPlay as a program using Python:

import subprocess
import hou

ip = hou.expandString('$HB/mplay')
seq = hou.expandString('$HIP/flipbook/*.jpg')
subprocess.Popen([ip, seq])


Edited by f1480187
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