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VIM syntax script for vfl?


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Hi Alex,

I just use the C++ syntax since they're close enough (for my taste anyway) -- plus I'm too lazy to actually write a syntax file :P . It won't support the extended data types (like 'vector' and 'matrix'), but overall it's good enough (and I'm used to it).

A quick and hacky way to get it to auto-detect .vfl files and assign them a C++ syntax, would be to add a file to your ~/.vim directory called "filetype.vim". In that file you can add something like the following:

" my filetype file
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
augroup filetypedetect
   au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.vfl     setfiletype cpp
   au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.sl      setfiletype cpp
augroup END

... which would give C++ syntax highlighting to both .vfl and .sl (RMan Shading Language) files.


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Hi Alex,

I just use the C++ syntax since they're close enough (for my taste anyway) -- plus I'm too lazy to actually write a syntax file  :P . It won't support the extended data types (like 'vector' and 'matrix'), but overall it's good enough (and I'm used to it).

Aaah. Hadn't thought about that one for some reason. :blink: That ought to save me some time to sleep. :D

Thanks as usual, Mario! :)

Heh. Just tried it. I guess I probably should just add a couple of things in conjunction to the cpp syntax. Shouldn't be too difficult to get all the VEX keywords highlighted.

Edited by TheUsualAlex
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  • 3 years later...

This is an old post, but I'm hoping someone can still help. I've downloaded the above vfl.vim file. Now what to do with it??? I've tried putting it in the Vim home directory also the Syntax directory. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas???


Many thanks,



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Thanks Edward!


I must still be missing something though! I created a file, vfl.vim, in the ftdetect directory and added this line to it -

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.stc set filetype=vfl

I then edited the filtype.vim file to contain the line -


au BufRead,BufNewFile *.stc setfiletype .vfl



When I load a VEX script in to Vim and select 'syntax hilghliting' it responds with 'filetype unknown'.


I'm quite new to the whole scripting area so forgive my ignorance.


Many thanks,



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