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Assign Detail Attribute To Channel?


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Hi All,


I have an integer detail attribute. I want to use that value down stream as the number of segments for a ReSample node. I have read you can use the detail function to accomplish this but when I place it in the segs field, I get an error "Unable To Evaluate Expression".


This is probably because I am using VEX in an Hscript field.

What is the correct syntax to accomplish this task?


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Thanks for the info I'll give that a try.


In the meantime i came up with a brute-force pythonic way to accomplish this but it takes a few more lines of code.

node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()
def fetchIfObject (passedName):
    # Return a named item if it exists.
        result = hou.node(passedName)
        if result == 0:
            result = None
        result = None
    return result

# Fetch from the node that has the number of points we are going to reshape.
ob_source_points = fetchIfObject("/obj/animate_trails/group_morph_candidates")
if ob_source_points:
	for pg in ob_source_points.geometry().pointGroups():
		if pg.name() == 'morph_candidates':
			point_count = len(pg.points())
			#print ("source node has %d points." % point_count)
			if point_count > 1:
				# Adjust the downstream resample to have this same number of points.
				ob_resample = fetchIfObject("/obj/animate_trails/resample_SAME_COUNT_AS_POPNET_POINTS")
				if ob_resample:
					# Assign the count value to the segs channel on the node.

Edited by Atom
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