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Get selected sicky notes Hou


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Yeah, I think once you have a stickynote variable all you have to do is evaluate the isPicked() function. If true that stickynote is selected.


n = hou.node("/obj/")
for my_stickynote in n.stickyNotes():
    print my_stickynote.isPicked()



Edited by Atom
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this means I would need to look everywhere for sticky notes, then loop over them and check which one is selected.

I would expect the selection is stored somewhere in memory and there should be a wasy way to get it, I guess this is what happens with the hou.selectedNodes() 


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If i have to supply the path eveythime I loose the benefit of using the script, I could just write every t youknime the note directly. Thanks for the help anyway

I could get the mouse position and get the path of where it is in the network view, but not always I can have my mouse where i want it to be. I think there should be a way to get the current selection.

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