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Exporting Alembic geometry pieces to FBX

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I tried to search about this without success.
I have a RigidBody fractured animation created in Maya by a friend, it was saved as an alembic, I need to bake animation of the pieces inside the alembic file as fbx keyframed animation.
The geometry in the alembic file contains uv attributes and 2 primitive groups defining outside and inside geometry.
Geometry has not variable number of points over time, I was able to attach some test rivets to see if the animation is stable and it seems to work fine.
Problem using rivets doesn't look to be easy to do since I have 250 pieces and manually doing rivets to extract keyframe animation doesn't seem a good idea, and also it would probably not maintain correct spatial positions of geometry.

With Connectivity I was able to create a point attribute to define those separated pieces.
With Exploded view I was able to see those pieces separated and create a "name" (primitive attibute), then set Scale to 0 since I don't need to see the pieces separated.

What I need to do now is making those pieces effectively independent from each other all parented to a single null object, and exporting the baked hierarchy as keyframed.
I need to create a starting transfom for each individual piece with origin at centroid and a custom rotation to keep relations between all the pieces coherent.
Then I need to compare with the deforming pieces (to extract those transformation and finally bake the fbx).

For single pieces Extract Transform is pretty easy to use, but for multiple pieces inside a single file it seems a bit more complicate.

I don't have any idea on how to proceed, I'm relatively new to Houdini, so help from someone who already did this with some test scene would be pretty useful.

Edited by Mayorc
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